My practice offers a well thought out, customized approach for those who are ready to invest in lasting lifestyle change. Success sits on the shoulders of the behavioral science of weight and health management. Working together requires a high degree of coachability with our work being proactive and in-depth.

For most, Long term lifestyle change is complex and requires longstanding, experienced support. Two years of participation is usual, and for those ready to commit, our work has an indescribable, positive impact on all of life. Reaching a decision on whether to work together takes serious consideration on both our parts. This is a thoughtful process.


Getting Started:

  • The process starts with a brief phone call. If we agree there is a potential match, then we’ll take the next step to schedule a consult via phone, Zoom, or in-person.

  • In the consult, we’ll trade enough questions and answers to determine whether there is a “fit” for working together.

  • If we agree to move forward in our partnership, the backbone of our work will be a weekly session (either remote or in-person) over a 4-week period, supplemented by communication throughout the week. Staying in touch like this provides the structure and accountability required for success. Communication is key! We are working to beat the odds, and working together as a team we meet the challenge.

Phase One: Weight Loss

The time it takes to lose a desired amount of weight varies according to several variables: start weight, level of physical activity, structured eating and ability to be coached (to name a few). This is a very exciting process!

Phase Two: Maintaining Your Weight Loss

This phase makes all the difference.  A strong commitment to coaching and communication throughout Phase Two is likely to determine your ability to prevent regain. To enable this effort, coaching support is ever-present. Many clients find - for the first time - the ability to maintain a weight loss. I recommend remaining in this phase for “a good long time.” 

Pricing: Initial consult: $150.

$525 per 4-week period of work together. $200 per single, 75 minute, periodic coaching session.

If you are willing to trust the process, you will get results.
— FH, Massachusetts (46 lbs lost)
With a close relationship and frequent calls, Mariah senses what’s coming around the corner and helps you plan.
It’s about LIFE, not just food.
— AB, Minnesota